BBG Donation Station

BBG GBB (Brown Bag Girl Gives Back Big) is my "mirror campaign" to generate monetary & philanthropic support. The letters BBG mirror themselves as GBB as I believe we should all mirror the fortune we've been afforded to those less fortunate.

Simply put: "Be as good to someone else as others have been to you." 

QUARTERLY, a portion of proceeds will be donated to a charitable organization or cause. I am transparent in my generosity and will post the amount as well as the cause funds intend to help. I do so in an effort for you, my lovely customers, to match my efforts so that, together, we can make a more significant donation.

Click the 'Donate' Button below if interested in flexing your philanthropic muscle with me.

$793.82 as of March 2019

BBG GBB gave to Pacific Garden Mission of Chicago. See the charity they provide: